Caecilius is in the forum. Caecilius has a banker's stall in the forum. Hermogenes comes to the forum. Hermogenes is a Greek merchant. The merchant has a ship. The merchant greets Caecilius. "I am a Greek merchant," says Hermogenes. "I am an honest merchant. I am looking for money." "Why are you looking for money?" says Caecilius. "You have a ship." "But the ship is not here," replies Hermogenes. "The ship is in Greece. I do not have money. However, I am honest. I always pay back money." "Look!" says Caecilius. "I have a wax tablet. Do you have a ring?" "I have a ring," replies Hermogenes. "The ring has a seal. Look! I am pressing the seal into the wax." Caecilius hands over the money. The merchant takes the money and runs out of the forum. Oh no! Hermogenes does not return. The merchant does not pay back the money. Caecilius summons Hermogenes to the courthouse.