A Strange Story
A Marvellous Story
Many friends were dining with Caecilius and Metella. Felix was also present. All the friends praised the cook because the dinner was excellent. After everyone had dined, Caecilius shouted, “Where is Decens? Decens are not here.” Then Caecilius sent Clemens out of the house. The servant searched for Decens through the city. After the servant left the house, Felix drank from his cup. Then the freedman told a marvellous story: “Once my friend was leaving the city. It was night, but the full moon was shining. My friend was hurrying along the road, where there was a forest, when suddenly he caught sight of a centurion. My friend greeted the centurion. However, the centurion said nothing. Then the centurion took off his tunic. Behold! The centurion vanished. A huge wolf suddenly appeared. My friend was very afraid. The huge wolf howled and hurried into the forest, and the tunic was lying on the road. My friend cautiously examined the tunic. Behold! The tunic was made of stone. Then my friend understood the matter. That centurion was a shapeshifter.”